May 7


Get Back on my Feet! – My Great Experience with HIIT

By Prisqua

May 7, 2014

Exercise, fitness, HIIT

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already been two years since I last posted on this blog. But hey, the important thing is that I’m back on my feet and ready to guide you once more in our journey to weight loss and keeping fit. Today, I’m going to introduce you to the advantages of HIIT. But first, let me tell you a little bit about myself these days.

My reasons for having put on some weight again (not even an Oracle is perfect!)

I have now been back to Australia for nearly 2 years, and ever since I had to deal with a load of crap. But now one of my main focuses is to lose weight. You see, I’m single, living on my own, and I spend about 12 hours in front of a computer, and even though I often go for a walk on the beach -which is easy, I am like a 3-minute walk from the beach- I really have no excuse. Living on my own has also contributed to my weight gain. I don’t have my children or a household to look after, therefore I don’t need to cook and for over a year I have been eating microwavable meals, rice or pasta, just add water and in 2 minutes it is ready… And the being single part, well, I don’t really go out and I don’t have to please anyone or show myself in sexy lingerie so there is kind of a lack of motivation to look good as well, even though I am aware it is not good to feel that way…

My reasons to get up from the couch!

All of that is just a general stage I had to go through, and when a few weeks ago, on a Friday night I had to get ready to go out and my skirt was tight, the reality hit me! All the dazzling clothes I bought in London no longer fit me. And I refuse to buy new clothes. I know I just need to lose the weight. And therefore, besides changing my eating habits, I needed to find the best exercise to burn fat. Having a best friend who is a gym fanatic, she recommended doing some HIIT exercises.

But what the hell is HIIT?

Let me tell you what HIIT is: it’s the best choice if you want to burn LOTS of FAT in just a LITTLE TIME.

HIIT is short for high-intensity interval training, and it is a whole new concept when it comes to workouts. Basically, what you do is to alternate between short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods (such as HIIT running if you are lucky enough to live near the beach as I am, or a hiit treadmill workout if you prefer to train indoors). Anyway, HIIT is supposed to be the best exercise to burn fat, as these short (and I mean really short) home workout routines can boost up your metabolism and improve the capacity your body has to burn fat. In fact, experts say that with this method, your body continues burning more fat up to even 24 hours after the workout!

A typical HIIT workout routine

The amazing thing about hiit exercises is that you don’t need a free afternoon to work out. In something as short as a 15-minute period (and no equipment!) you can begin experiencing the benefits of this cardio exercises. Here is the routine that I begun with, a few months ago:
  • 5-minute running to warm up
  • 10 repetitions of the following exercises: jump squats, mountain climbers, high knees.
  • 30-second rest.
  • Other 10 repetitions
  • 30-second rest.
  • 10 repetitions of the following exercises: Hip thrust (left and right), burpees, frogger.
  • 30-second rest.
  • Other 10 repetitions
  • 5-minute jogging to cool down.
  • Stretching.
If you are a member of a gym, or if you have equipment at home, you can adapt the HIIT workout routine to include the treadmill, the stationary bike, boxes, a jumping rope… swimming is also a great opportunity for HIIT.

HIIT workout routine: its main advantages

  • Easy to do… or something: Well, I’d be lying to you if I said so… it’s not that easy. But since the whole hiit cardio training takes such a little time, it is way simpler to find yourself motivated than if you have to schedule an endless hour and a half in the gym…
  • Great for busy schedules: You don’t have to train every day either. Three times a week is enough!
  • Complete: You will start building muscles besides burning fat, provided that you increase the number of repetitions and you vary the exercises in order to cover all the muscle groups during the week’s workout.
  • Efficient: As long as you compromise with a routine, the results become visible in short time (I started noticing my muscles toned and my resistance improved in a few weeks).
  • Fun! It may get your muscles sore and your body in pain, at least the first few sessions, but you don’t have a second to get bored with the various exercises included in a single routine! As usual, if you can get a friend to join you, even better.
Another HIIT workout benefit that I haven’t had the chance to demonstrate (at least yet) is that it’s good for your heart, so you have the whole package! Why not give HIIT a try?


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥