October 28


Leaving the States…

By Prisqua

October 28, 2008

airport, down under, holiday

I am now at the airport... was already sad to leave the States but now I am so sad about what has been happening on Plurk today... but I will tell my side of the story finally... even though I thought some things were better left unsaid... But no matter what is being said, I had a blast in the States... met fantastic people and do not regret any part of my trip... Now boarding... see you on the other side again... :(


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥