September 25


Prisqua is going on a date…

By Prisqua

September 25, 2008

blog, date, Dating, ebook, news, seduction, stories, updates, wordpress

I am so very busy at the moment and can't find the time to blog... sorry... :( Working on a few new sites... still has to figure out the issue with the custom fields in word-press that creates broken images on my site... do not like that at all... "how to seduce men" coming soon too... Also BIG big plans coming up in a couple of weeks... so many stories to tell... But for now I better get back to work... Smile and have fun! :) xo Prisqua


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥