July 10


Turning Thoughts into Action,Thanks to my Wonderful New Treadmill!

By Prisqua

July 10, 2012

Cardio Tech X9, Treadmill, walking

Being back home in Australia, my first step is to get back into shape which is part of my "what’s next" journey. My weight is always up and down, and even though I was doing well for a while and lost quite a few kilos, I put them back on when I started dating this new guy who took me out to restaurants too many times. OK, I should not complain because finding a man that will actually pay the check for you is quite rare. Even though I have the ocean so close, and I absolutely love walking by the beach, I don't feel it is enough work out for me. I could do the Couch to 5K program but I am at a point where my self-esteem is down under... You see, I actually will not go out walking because I simply feel embarrassed about myself! There is no need to point out that "I am not obese" "some people are worse than you" kind of examples, those just do not help. Easier said than done!
But something was on my mind and got me very inspired: my Stepdaughter showing off her six-pack! "I want to be just like her" went through my mind as I keep staring at her picture!
My daughter and I were considering joining a gym. Actually she had a membership but obviously she was not using it -like a lot of people, me included! I think I mentioned many times, I prefer to exercise at home and I have the biggest DVD collection of exercising programs. I have joined gyms before, planning to go altogether with friends. Guess what, that never happened! I saw a friend who took a membership and then I would watch her finding every single reason not to go to the gym! Some can do it and some people simply can't. You just have to choose on which side you are and deal with it. I think the other choice is when you are actually lazy beyond limit, and will remain fat and unhealthy for the rest of your life because you have decided to be like that.
My beautiful step-daughter showing off her abs
I also found out my ex-husband gave my dear old treadmill away! What the hell was he thinking?! Though it was old and before I left the USA I had actually considered buying a new one, I can honestly say that a treadmill (like my bread maker for instance) is just a must-have in my household. I got my first treadmill in 2003 and I used it almost everyday. It was a very expensive piece of equipment back then but well worth the price leaving me with no hesitation about getting a new treadmill. Talking to my daughter about my intentions, she tells me that her sister's job is to sell treadmills, and that she had the exact one I had inquired about years ago, so I decided to approach her. And my daughter wanted to be part of it too, so we agreed on splitting the cost. Yes, it is an expensive piece of equipment and some are laughing saying it is not worth that much. Probably not, but I don't have $1000 sitting in my bank account right now to buy a treadmill outright. And right now, all I want to do is exercise, so that I can feel good about myself again! So when a company is making it easy for us to repay it over a few years without any fuss such as credit check , I say "let's do it"! So here is our brand new Cardio Tech X9 treadmill - The Beast as we prefer to call it.

Some Of The Cardio Tech X9 Treadmill Features:

  • The Cardio Tech X9 treadmill features a powerful motor of 2.5HP, designed for optimum performance, it’s smooth and quiet.
  • The full size deck plus the Air Flex™ Dual Cushioning make this treadmill extra comfortable: trust me; I don’t miss my walks on the beach.
  • Of course, it also features the essential hand grip smart keys, LCD & LED Displays and a heart rate sensor.
If you are also interested in getting one of those awesome treadmills, mention this referral number: NL3425 and you will get a $50 discount. I know it is not much, but every little bit help. Cardiotech has also a good loyalty club. And this is what I call a workout! When I get out of bed, it is there, I can't miss The Beast! I don't have to worry about catching a bus, since I do not have a car at the moment and the gym is about one hour walking distance from the house. I don't have to worry about the weather: when it actually rains here, it rains for a few days non-stop. I don't need to worry about people looking at me, even though probably no one even cares. I am just enjoying the simplicity of working out at home, and I still enjoy walking on the beach especially with friends. Then when I feel more confident I can still go and do the C25K program.

What are the benefits of owning a treadmill?

The treadmill is in your face! Ours at the moment is in my room, so I can’t miss it. But it always used to be in the living room facing a TV.
  • If you are watching a TV show on a regular basis, that is the best way to start walking.
  • You can wear anything you like since you are in the comfort of your own home.
  • You can basically dance and sing at the same time, only your household can be bothered by that if they are home but who cares?!
  • Walking outside is great and keep doing it but at least with the treadmill your speed is constant and you can program the “hills” to climb which increase your workout.
  • There are NO excuses: if you can find one excuse not to walk on a treadmill then it means you are lazy or a sloth as simple as that!
I believe recovering my old figure is a wonderful way of turning my ‘what’s next’ thoughts into action. I feel great, and now I believe there’s nothing I couldn’t accomplish! How about you? Do you like working out, or are you couch potatoes? Have you ever owned a treadmill? If so, did you use it?


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥