July 23


Welcome home to a NYC Plurk meeting gone loud!

By Prisqua

July 23, 2009

26th Of July, Absolute Joy, Airport Staff, Brisbane, Do The Right Thing, Flights, friends, God Mother, Hard Time, High Temperature, Immigration Bureau, Jfk, Last Time, Lol, Meeting People, Plane Ticket, Social Networking, Sunshine Coast, Walks, Zillion

Spent 3 weeks on the Sunshine Coast and it was an absolute joy to catch up with some of my friends.  Not sure why I enjoyed it so much but I really had a blast and I have and will really miss those walks by the beach... But I am so happy to finally be back where I belong with my other half... Even though the flight was shorter than last time, only 11hrs from Brisbane to L.A. and then 4.5hrs from L.A. to New York JFK, it seemed like forever and ever and ever!  I was also held in the Immigration Bureau at the airport in L.A. I was so so scared and really thought they would not let me back in! But the officer was nice enough and said: "it is OK to fall in love with an American, as long as you do the right thing..." and I know that, and I also know it is going to be a very long road ahead of us... I was also scared to miss my flight because there is not much time between the 2 flights... Luckily my plane had been delayed by 30mn because of the high temperature inside the plane and the airport staff were having a hard time too cool it down. But all it mattered was that I was able to catch my next flight and finally be home...
When I first looked at booking my plane ticket, it looked like I was not going to be able to come back before the 26th of July but when we actually booked the ticket a cheaper price had opened up which means I was going to be able to  make it for the NYC Plurk meeting... that I was thrilled about it! Yes I am a big of online social networking but going beyond that and meeting other people in real life is absolutely fantastic.  So I was really looking forward to meeting @topsurf.  In my eyes, @topsurf is like the god-mother of Plurk, the wisest woman of Plurk.  Is it because she has a zillion of friends? Or because she is fun? Or maybe because she comes up with some crazy plurks that leave you to think hard, sometimes way too hard that I stop looking at them and have to do  a MAR!  Oops, do not tell her that lol! But most of all, I think the main reason people have such high regards for this woman is because she is always available to listen to you. I did not know her that well when I first cried to her but she still listened... So meeting her was something I was hoping I would not miss out. And what a bargain! I also got to meet new plurkers I did not personnally knew but had seen them on other people's plurks. It is always a joy for me to meet new people and I cannot say I was disappointed... For goodness sake we left the restaurant after being told we were too loud!!! LOL So I was pleased to also meet @cajunvegan & @perpstu and to now have them as friends and, hopefully, we will meet them again in Las Vegas very soon...


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥