July 29


What happened to my man quest?

By Prisqua

July 29, 2008

bitches, Dating, intercontinental, jerks, liars, man quest, realtionships

My life sucks but my life sucks because I do not do anything about it. I sometimes wake up in the morning with an urge to cry but I know I can't until the kids are gone. And I only got myself to blame and I am taking full responsability for it. But once I enter my online world, I instantly feel better. Not that it is a safer world online as there are loads of jerks, liars, 2 face bitches... but they are also very nice people... the connection between people is oh so different online... My daughter calls me a nerd everytime she sees me play video games online.  She said the other day that I needed to get off this "cyber hooking up place" as she calls whatever i am doing on the Internet and told me to get out of the house! But could not get out anyway as it was raining, pouring down! And where would I go?? To do what?? What happen to my man quest? I would love for my prince charming to just knock on my door, it would make my life so much easier... but I have a feeling it ain't going to happen that way... Unless I want to change the title of my blog to "my failed man quest"... I think I better start dating again! Lately the only time I get out of the house is to go to the supermarket... I spend most of my time online, micro-blogging, playing video games... and having some "intercontinental relationships" or is it what they call "intercontinental dating"?? Except nothing much happens because 1000s of miles are between all of us... This is when my world wide dating tour would become handy! Maybe now would be a good time to un-hide my RSVP profile and be active on all dating sites again. But just the thought of having to go through all those profiles again... :( Will give it more thoughts...  


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥