February 6


Dragged Back to Blogging!

By Prisqua

February 6, 2013

New Year, online dating, Resolutions

Well, believe it or not it is already February 2013! One whole month already gone, wow, time just flies when you are having fun… but am I having fun really?

2012 was hard to swallow…

End of year for me was dramatic. Now that I think about it, I guess the whole year was a bit dramatic. One minute I was a receptionist in a hotel in London and was dating this guy; the next minute, I was jobless (I quit) and out of the blue the guy I was dating ended up behind bars. I was just like: WTF?! I was literally in the street in the middle of London with a suitcase because we were supposed to go to Manchester when I got the text saying that it would not happen. Within 24 hours I was all packed and on my way back to Australia! As my good friend Strawberry - oops sorry I meant Andy said: ‘Pris, you never have a dull moment in your life!’

2013 looks promising instead

End of year is not really a big deal for me and as for each past year I am hoping the next will be better. But I guess hoping for better is not really good enough, and does not really mean much. So this year I am aiming for bigger and better. After all this year I am getting older, but not just older, it is the big 40 and not particularly happy about that. I know you are as old as you feel and I still feel in my early 30s, and sometimes I feel like I am still in my teens -especially when hanging out with my daughter and her friends. But in all seriousness, I really have to do something with myself. Last year I decided to give up blogging for several reasons. Instead I have started my own consultancy: social media & reputation management, dynamic QR code marketing, web development and mobile marketing. It is all the things I really enjoy doing and been doing for years. Besides, I see so many people getting ripped off by those big companies that think that you are that stupid enough to pay $100s for something you are not even sure what it is all about (but, apparently, it is the best). Plus, I love looking after people, so I know I offer a top customer service. With me, you are not contacting a huge company, you are getting in touch with a real person who understands your needs and will do anything to fulfill them. A friendly and personal approach, plus very reasonable prices, those are my main strengths!

Back to blogging

Anyway, quite a few things happened last year. Some of them I did not want to talk about, and some others I am not sure I wanna talk about, and some of them I will definitely talk about and this going to be the funny and interesting part – well at least I hope it will be! I have also met new people through my new venture and that is how I was dragged back in to blogging!!!! At this stage we are still talking about it, and it will be a work in progress as we have loads of ideas. But if it goes as planned it should be lots of fun. It will mainly be about relationships and female versus male: The battle of the sexes is back on, and my opponent is actually my new business partner: Travis.

My profile sucks, really?

We will start by the infamous online dating because seriously, I do have to wonder what men are doing on dating sites! And knowing a few people on online dating sites, I hear quite a few funny and interesting stories. Anyway, I decided to re-open my online dating profile which I did back in 2008. I only added one picture -and did not touch anything, no Photoshop or strange business! I have another friend, the HotFish who just joined an online dating site and did an amazing job with her site: simple but straight to the point. And she told me my profile sucked and needed to be changed. Meanwhile, I was talking about it with Travis and I realized all the challenges of men apparently not reading my profile. My profile started and ended by: looking for tall men only, 180 cm minimum, and aged between 38-45. And I still get the midgets, the teenagers and granddads sending me their interest! If they can’t read, please do not even bother me. Oh and guy with no pictures, not interested! And Travis said to me that his ex-girlfriend ended up doing a check list, and she said that she would only consider someone if they would qualify for all the points on the list. He emailed me a copy of the list and I thought what a fantastic idea, it would be absolutely awesome as a profile. So I changed a few things and I came out with 34 points –I know, I sound high-maintenance LOL. But it actually WORKED! The week I changed my profile, I got a lot of interest and actually two guys took the time to comment on all the points which I thought was amazing. And the moral of the story is… if you are not sure what you are looking for, you can keep looking, but you won’t find it, or at least you won’t realize you have found it already! Being specific, when it comes to dating, is a good thing, although there’s such a thing as TOO specific…

What to look forward

In case you are wondering, yes, I will post the list but I want to keep it in suspense for now ;) and then there will be the outcome of it which so far is no good... So I told Travis to do the same so we can see how women would react to a male’s list, and then we will be discussing it back and forth basically. But in all honesty, I think women are as bad as men… at least, when it comes to online dating! We have more surprises for this year: we plan to do video blogging, but that will come later, so hold your breath... For now we are just going to start by blogging about the male species and the women species. I promise it will be funny and controversial, and from my side, I’ll do everything possible to prove that women are better than men, although I’m not sure if I’ll succeed!


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥