September 1


Men or Money?

By Prisqua

September 1, 2010

Money, relationships

I was thinking about what Tyson said "Women Or Money?" and I thought I, as a woman, should express my point of view as well. While I totally agree on some of his remarks –for example, when he says a 5 dollar bill can’t give you children or rub your back-, I feel a little different about some other ideas. For instance, I quite dislike the idea that “the pursuit of money is more important than the pursuit of women because money naturally begets women”. What we go after is not always money (well, some of us at least, I’m not talking about real gold-diggers, which there are): what we go after is independence. We may like the fact that a guy can afford his own place, that he is ambitious enough to see himself in a better position in the next five years. We may enjoy an occasional invitation to a fancy restaurant or (why not?) diamond earrings for our birthday. But it’s not that we are after the guy’s money. We want –and we are able to get- money of our own. There was a time when a woman’s survival depended on finding a husband. Those times are gone, like it or not! Now we depend on no one but ourselves. Women can (and should) have their own money, the same applies for men. And as for guys like Tyler’s friend, who chases women because they can provide him money, are every working girl’s worst nightmare! Us women have fought a long time for economical independence. The last thing we need is a parasite such as that poor fellow. Hey, that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t be supportive if our man gets fired or is going through a hard time economically speaking, as long as he shows he’s doing his best to change that situation and not hanging on our shoulders permanently.
Picture Credit VH1 series I Love Money
Anyway, I would still answer the question the same way as Tyler. Chasing men or chasing money? I would definitely go for money. Let guys chase me if they want so, and I’ll decide whether I want to be chased or not. But as for money, money never chases you! Money doesn’t grow on trees and money won’t bump into you in a bar: you need to go for it! As for boys, I’m ok with a girl asking out a boy instead of just waiting to be asked, but “chasing” them... I don’t know, what can I say, it sounds a bit desperate to me, doesn’t it? There was a time when a girl would make up, dress pretty and wear perfume to capture the man’s attention. Now we dress up when we have a work interview or chances on getting a scholarship. Good for us, girls! It’s our dreams we have to pursue, not the guy’s. Every time I get the chance to speak with a young girl, I tell her to choose a career, find a job, buy herself a car. The right man will eventually show up (hopefully with a car and an apartment of his own, so he doesn’t depend on us). What do you think, men or money?


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

You just gotta ignite the light
And let yourself shine! ♥