Finally getting a bit of time to write some updates on my trip.
Today is my last day in the State of Texas… well actually I will be leaving early in the morning but this is my last night with Rene’ Guerrero who has been my host since I arrived here. So let’s go back to the beginning… the Texas part
Made it to L.A. where I was so worried I would not have time to get to my connecting flight! Honestly they should have express lines for people who have connecting flight or they should not give travellers so little time to get to a connecting flight! That was crazy! But I ran and ran and made it 10 minutes earlier which gave me enough time to go to the toilets to change and put make up on and look like a human being again! Actually after all that running, what I really really wanted was another double shot vodka but anyway…
And off I was on a 3-hour flight to Dallas to meet Rene’ for the first time… and no I was not nervous! Only got a bit nervous when I arrived because he was late and I had no idea where to go until a guy who was on
the plane with me asked if I needed assistance and called Rene’ to tell him where to find me. So that was cool.
I can’t really comment on those five days even though I had lots of fun… this whole trip was originally inspired by Rene’… and kinda have a very personal meaning… if it was not for him I would not have come to the States in the first place even though it has been a long time dream… But later on the trip just developed into something bigger to become my 17-day tour of the United States and giving me the opportunity
to meet a lot of other plurkers and other friends I have met online. Some people have put a lot of work into organising that trip for me…
Rene’ has taken me to lots of places in Dallas and wishes I had taken notes… and eaten in a lot of great places which is probably why when we went to the State Fair of Texas, as we were showing our entry ticket,
the girl put her hand on my stomach and said “how far are you??” It must be all that good food… What I ate in 5 days is probably what I usually eat in a year lol (Alcohol not included).
The best part was probably the Modern Art Museum of Forth Worth for the Kara Walker exhibit… it was a must see… loved it!
I also met two other plurkers @Flipsidebabee (and her hubby) and @Batgirl59.
Leaving is always a bit sad but overall it was great journey in Texas and can’t wait for next instalment…
Until then… smile no matter what and have fun!