May 19


The Special Yoga Centre: Yoga Therapy for Those who Need it More!

By Prisqua

May 19, 2011

Health, Therapy, Yoga

Today I’m not going to discuss books, TV, films or music. This time, I want to share with you my impressions of the Special Yoga Centre and the wonderful task they do. A few days ago, I had the amazing chance to work again for them, as a volunteer during the 5th Annual Charity Art Auction, and since they do such a brilliant job, I thought it deserves to be talked about.

The Special Yoga Centre UK

I’ve always believed that practicing yoga is one of the best ways you have in order to stay balanced, healthy, and happy. Yoga focuses on the art of breathing, and a regular practice can help you improve in any area of your life: after some time of practicing yoga, most people discover that they find it easier to concentrate. Not only that, but you will get more rest without needing to sleep more hours, you will digest your food better and your general health will improve dramatically.

Imagine just how much good this ancient technique could provide to children with special needs: feeling relaxed, comfortable, taken care off by people who love them and make them feel like they belong… this is precisely the task of the people at The Special Yoga Centre. Their goal is the training and facilitation of yoga therapy for children, in particular, for those with special needs. They offer quite a variety of training courses, group classes as well as individuals, and parent support groups where families can get together and share their experiences, enriching themselves and their sons and daughters with this contact.
The Special Yoga Centre: Yoga Therapy for Those who Need it More!

The Special Yoga Centre UK

Children who come to the Special Yoga Centre find themselves at home: in here, everyone respects them and helps them reach their full potential. The loving physical contact with their parents and qualified instructors, the chanting and the spiritual atmosphere of the place is purely beneficial for those children that need all the extra love they can get. In this place, people love them for what they are, truly special children who have come to this world to give and receive love. Children feel this: you can ask their parents, and they’ll tell you how much their sons and daughters love their Yoga class.

However, benefits from Yoga don’t stop when the class ends. Parents whose children attend those courses agree on the fact that the little ones love Yoga. After taking the course, they feel more relaxed, they show an increase in their mobility and flexibility, they breathe better and even those with speech impediments tend to gradually show signs of improvement.

The philosophy of the centre is founded on inclusion. The idea is that this place was born for joining families and children together, no matter their age, ability, religion or ethnicity. We are all there for a reason, and it is enjoying the practice of yoga and all its benefits. Anyway, for me it was really nice to take part in this event, and I wanted to share this wonderful experience (hopefully, not the last time I get involved, since I had such a great time!).

For more info, please visit the Special Yoga Centre Website here.


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

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And let yourself shine! ♥
