So my sister finally found me…
I’ve had the same email address for at least 10 years. And most of my family and a few friends in France have that email address. So I was quite amazed to find a comment on my blog from my sister telling me about our grandmother passing away.
Since I have her 10 year old son on my msn contact list – he added my daughter and I ages ago, I left her an offline message saying that she had my contact details all along ( I should have asked her how she found my blog though…)
But she started to chat on msn so I showed myself online and as I soon as I did that she did a video call!!!
I sometimes use my webcam on msn but never actually did a video call, I use Skype for that. Not only she did not have a headset but the sound quality was terrible and my sound kept muting itself for some strange reasons… then here she is looking at us – by then I had called my children to join in… so she is looking at us like we are aliens or something… or maybe she was just looking at that pimple on my face, who knows! And then she says “well don’t you have anything to say?!”
The thing is: “No I don’t have anything to say”. It is sad but true. She might be my sister but I don’t know her. Even her voice was different from what I could remember, I have not talked to her for at least 10 years. I don’t know her husband. I don’t know her kids. I don’t know her as a mother and wife. And i did not feel comfortable in talking to her.
The saddest part is that I still don’t feel the need to know her. I don’t know why.
My sister and mother, a picture I took probably 15 years ago
on visit to my parent’s place.
wow, in a way this is a bit heartbreaking…but maybe you can’t be heartbroken over someone you hardly know. i have a brother and sister that i don’t keep in contact as much, they are from my dad’s second marriage. we only see them on occasions, but my door is always open to them.
this is unfortunate but such is life! Wish you well!
Sad but true! Maybe because there wasn’t any social interaction between both of view for 10 years which quite a long period to go.
I respect people’s privacy puls I’m not at this at advicing people however I think you can try to break this iceburg step by step because all humans need interaction, no body wants to be lonely.