December 8


My two closest friends

By Prisqua

December 8, 2008

friends, friendships, love, support, turmoil

Two Friends…

Three different countries…

For the past 6 months I have lived in 3 different timezones to be able to keep up with my 2 closest friends from Plurk.

Just walking down memory lane…

One friend said…

There are plenty of men out there that would cut off their right arm to be with you… and I’m sure there are many that will respect you, cherish you, treasure you and love you like I do…

The other friend said…

Me: “do you miss me?


Me: silence…. 🙁

Him:”How can I miss you? I spend 14 hours a day with you lol

Me:”Not 14hrs!

Him: “ok, 10

They have both brought me so much in so many different ways during all those months of turmoil in my life and I can’t thank them enough for their support.


About the author

Coffee in the mornings is a must! I hunt and shoot aliens as therapy a few hours every day. Work sometimes demands that I tweet, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. I never leave home without my 5 inch stilettos, iPhone and of course a possible good story.

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    You just gotta ignite the light
    And let yourself shine! ♥
