Another random thought yesterday as I was walking and saw the mail men driving by… The other day we had to go to the post office and instinctively I was looking for a red colored building for a post office…
We parked in front of a kinda brownish building… so no particular color for the post office here. Though the New Jersey post office boxes seem to be blue. And the postmen are driving white van with a blue logo and writings.
In Australia, the post office is represented by the color red with white writing and as far as i can remember in France the post office is represented by the color yellow with blue writing.
So I am just wondering what is the color of your post office in your country or State even? Send me some pics please.
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In our country, post office color is orange 🙂
.-= Another Blogger´s last blog ..How To Put Your Articles On The First Google SEPR? =-.
our post office is simply painted in white. too plain to be noticed or given importance…hehehe
doi’s last blog post..Trip to Manila on Labor Day